Growth Factors
Our doctors are committed to using the latest technology to achieve the best result with the least amount of patient discomfort.
The doctors frequently use growth factors alone as well as combining them with bone graft material to perform bone augmentation for dental implants, to treat periodontal disease bone defects, and in treatment for gum recession. Periodontics of Greenville currently utilizes the following growth factors:
PRP (platelet-rich-plasma)
PRF (platelet-rich fibrin)
PRGF (plasma rich in growth factors)
GEM-21S (rh-PDGF)
Infuse (rh-BMP-2)
Emdogain (enamel matrix derivative)
These growth factors can be extremely helpful in hard and soft tissue engineering.
1 Charis Drive
Greenville, SC 29615
310 Mills Avenue, Suite 106
Greenville, SC 29605
Please complete our patient referral form and email it to us or fax to 864.271.0196.